Advanced Searching

Prioritizr enables advanced searches in Jira to find issues that match specific priority framework dimension values. To do so requires some working knowledge of JQL and an understanding of how Prioritizr stores data.

The following properties are searchable for issues that have been prioritized:

  • DVF

    • Desirability (Prioritizr.DVF.Desirability) | number

    • Viability (Prioritizr.DVF.Viability) | number

    • Feasibility (Prioritizr.DVF.Feasibility) | number

    • Justification (Prioritizr.DVF.Justification) | text

For example, the following JQL expression would find all issues with desirability greater than 0.75:

Prioritizr.DVF.Desirability > 0.75

Another JQL example is below to find all issues that are greater than 0.8 for Desirability, Viability and Feasibility:

Prioritizr.DVF.Desirability > 0.8 AND Prioritizr.DVF.Viability> 0.8 AND Prioritizr.DVF.Feasibility> 0.8

Lastly to find issues that have specific terms in the Justification field, the contains (~) operator can be used:

Prioritizr.DVF.Justification ~ “customer“ AND Prioritizr.DVF.Justification~ “research”

The equals (=) can not be used for the justification text field property. It is tokenized before indexing, thus allowing searches for particular words

For more information on advanced searching, check out Atlassian’s article “Search Jira like a boss with JQL”.