I want to create a Possibility

I want to create a Possibility

This page will walk you through how to create a Possibility for a Problem, that you can then define, validate and prioritise.


Now let's pick up from where you've just created the initial draft of your Possibility linked to the problem you are solving (see step #6 and #7 from this page, "I want to create a Problem"

  1. This is the tryble.io Innovation Management area of the Problem (a custom Jira issue type, see here for tryble.io Innovation Management for Jira terms and concepts
  2. This is the "Define" and "Validate" pages within the Possibility page, start on "Define"
  3. You can navigate within the app using the tryble.io nav bar, see this page for more details on the tryble.io Innovation Management for Jira nav bar


Similar working through a Problem, the simple tryble framework of "Define" and "Validate" will walk you through a process to think through your Possibility. Let's start with "Define"...

  1. What type of idea is this possibility?
    • Select one or more options from this list that best categorises your idea
  2. Who is this for?
    • Select one or more Personas that this Possibility will deliver value for
  3. How important is this?
    • Relative to other Possibilities you might implement for Problems and the overall context of your organisation, select where this fits on the importance scale
  4. How difficult will this be to implement?
    • If you were to move ahead this Possibility, provide a best estimate on the level of difficulty it would be to implement
    • You may need to collaborate with others in the organisation to learn what this implementation look like at a high-level
  5. How likely is this to solve the problem?
    • Remember you can update this as you progress and learn through out the ideation process
  6. What is the desired outcome?
    • In simple words provide a "tweet" length description of what the outcome looks like when this Possibility is implemented successfully


Now that you have "Defined" your Possibility, let's "Validate" that it's a good fit to solve the problem. 

  1. How are we going to validate this?
    • Here you can select the method which you validated your idea to solve the problem
    • Was it through: data analysis, customer interviews, observation, pilot, prototype, workshop or other method?
  2. Who are the sponsors?
    • Ideas need executive sponsors
  3. What did we learn through the validation process?
    • List anything you learned through this process (e.g. greater customer insight? any points on the desirability, feasibility or viability of the possibility?)
  4. Should we go ahead with this?
    • This is an important question as it determines where this possibility is prioritised
    • Should you
      • "Proceed - implement now"
      • "Proceed - implement later (backlog"
      • "Don't proceed - Possibility doesn't stack up"


If you have decided to either "Proceed - implement now" or "Proceed - implement later (backlog)", let's link this possibility to a project to maintain complete context from problem > possibility > project

Click here to see how to link the Possibility to a Project

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