I want to create a Problem

I want to create a Problem

This page will walk you through how to create a Problem for a specific problem spaces, that you can then define, validate, prioritise and solve with one or more possibilities.


There are different ways to create a problem, this first way shows you how to do it from the specific problem space (Jira term = "project") you are focused on e.g. Customer Experience

To this follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Projects" on the main Jira nav bar
  2. From here, you can select the problem space you think your problem best fits (you will have already created your problem spaces (click here for the "how to create a problem space")


Once you are on the project page you will have two ways to create a problem:

  1. On the left hand main Jira nav bar you can click on the "+" or
  2. You can click on the "+ create" from the bottom of your backlog column (name of this column might vary based on your workflow scheme, but it should be either "to do" or "backlog")

Method 1 from above will show you this screen:

Method 2 from above will show you this screen:


Once you have created your problem, and you click on it from the board, you will see this Problem overview screen.

  1. Click on the Problem ID (issue), it is the project pre-fix with the issue#
  2. This will now take you to the Problem detail page where the tryble app, where you can see "Type" is "Problem" (with the orange " ! " icon)
  3. Here are the tryble app fields within two panels
    1. "Define"
    2. "Validate"


Within the "Define" phase

  1. Who is affected by this problem? (required field)
    • Select from the drop down one or more Personas that you have previously created)
  2. How often does this occur?
    • Use the slider to gauge where you the think the frequency fits on the scale
  3. What is the impact?
    • In broad terms, select one or more areas / aspects of the organisation that this problem impacts. This can in be in relation to the way it impacts the Personas that you've selected (both internal organisational Personas e.g. "Belinda Business Exec" or external Personas, "Carol Customer")
  4. What is the impact level?
    • Please select on an overall level (compared to other problems within your organisation) what the impact level is
  5. When will this impact
    • This relates to when the problem is happening
    • For example if a problem is high-impact and it is happening in the short-term (i.e. right now), then that's a big problem we need to solve!
    • However, there may also be a high-impact problem, but it is not likely to happen for sometime (mid-term to long-term), that we need to keep on our radar to solve for
    • This question is aimed to challenge teams to think about the future and not just problems in the present.
  6. What does success look like when we solve this?
    1. This is a free text box to detail in simple words what you envisage success looks like when you solve this problem.


You are now onto the "Validate" phase and will work through these 4 questions to test if your Problem is actually a real Problem.

  1. How was this discovered?
    • Select one or many from these types of problem discovery methods
  2. What did we learn from validating this problem?
    1. It is important to capture any learning here that can be shared across the organisation
  3. How was/will this be validated?
    1. You can now validate the problem off-system in a variety of ways, select the one which best fits your approach
  4. Should we solve for this?
    • This is one of the most important questions, as it will inform your prioritisation of problems to solve
    • "Yes, solve now" - this is a problem you want your team to solve now
    • "Yes, but solve later" - you decide that it is a valid problem but for your reasons you want to put it on the backlog to solve later
    • "No, we do not want to (or cannot) solve" - through your define and validate work your learning led you to this decision
    • "No, not a problem" - your team learned that the original problem hypothesis was not valid and you will not proceed any further (saving time, effort and money!)


Now that you have defined, validated and decided to tackle the problem by creating a linked Possibility. Here's how to do it:

  1. From the modal ("..." icon)
  2. Select "Create linked issue"


  1. Select "Possibility" as the issue type (from the list which also includes "Problems" and "Tasks"
  2. You can then select the relationship between the Problem and the Possibility by selecting, a value for the field "Create issue"
  3. The value which logically make sense would be that this Possibility "may solve" the linked issue (Problem)

You are now ready to work through the Possibility to solve this problem!

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