I want to link a Possibility to an Implementation Project

You've now decided to proceed to implement your possibility (idea) to the problem - great!

Let's show you how to link the Possibility you are implementing with actual project which will manage brining the idea to life...


  1. You can see here that the new implementation project has already been set up. This would follow your normal Jira project set-up process (if you are new to Jira refer here to review Jira's project set up documentation)
  2. You have to link the Possibility to a type of issue, here we have linked it to issue type of "Epic" (which is the highest level of issue) in the project
  3. To link this issue ("Epic" or "Story") to your Possibility, in the top right-hand corner, click on the modal icon "..." and select "link"


  1. Select how you would like to link the Possibility to the Project, suggest using "relates to"
  2. In the comment section, take a minute to centralise the three issues for this project:
    • Problem
    • Possibility
    • Project Epic / Story (linked to the Possibility)
    • This will help for continued context and traceability throughout the implementation of the project

Once you click on "Link" it will look like this: