I want to create a Problem Space (Project) - for Admins

This page will show you how to set up a Problem Space.


  1. Select "Projects" from Jira home navigation.


  1. Then click on the "Create project" button in the top right-hand corner.

STEP #3 

  1. Enter the Problem Space name (e.g. "Customer Experience")
  2. Click "change" to change the project template


  1. Select the "Project Management" project template (this is the simplest project type that works best with Tryble)


  1. Select Project Settings

STEP #6 

  1. Click on "Details" on the left panel
  2. Update any Project key details including changing Avatar!


  1. Click on "Issue types" from the left admin panel
  2. Click on "Actions"
  3. Select "Use a different scheme"


  1. Choose an existing issue type scheme
  2. Select "Tryble Innovation Scheme" for the Issue Type Scheme
  3. Click "OK"


Now just click on "Project settings" and you will be taken back to the project board